KSrelief Signs Five Agreements Worth $19 Million With WHO

The agreements, worth more than $19 million, were signed on the sidelines of the 77th session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva

Update: 2024-05-27 11:17 GMT

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) has recently signed five executive programs with the World Health Organization (WHO). The agreements, worth more than $19 million, were signed on the sidelines of the 77th session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva. The agreement is part of funding for WHO programs in three countries. This includes Yemen ($9.5 million), Sudan ($5 million), and Syria ($4.75 million).

The primary goal of the first agreement is to address the severe shortage of kidney dialysis supplies in Sudan. This will be done by providing dialysis supplies sufficient for some 235,000 dialysis sessions, securing 100 dialysis machines, and paying the salaries of medical staff in 77 dialysis centers. As part of the second agreement, medical assistance will be provided to earthquake victims in Syria. Combating the measles outbreak among Yemeni children under five is the main focus of the third agreement.

Another agreement aims to enhance water and sanitation services in healthcare facilities in Yemen, and it also includes drilling solar-powered wells in 10 healthcare facilities. According to the Saudi Press Agency, the fifth agreement focuses on reducing the spread of cholera across Yemen. Meanwhile, WHO praised Saudi Arabia and highlighted the Kingdom's crucial role in reducing health challenges across the globe. 


Writer - അഖിൽ തോമസ്

Web Journalist, MediaOne

Editor - അഖിൽ തോമസ്

Web Journalist, MediaOne

By - Web Desk


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