Oman Unveils New Initiative To Enhance Tourism Sector In Governorates

The Governorates Tourism project is being undertaken in cooperation with the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism

Update: 2024-05-23 08:12 GMT

The Governorates Economics Forum 2024 kicked off on Wednesday at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre in Muscat. The event, organized by the Ministry of Economy, also witnessed the launch of two significant initiatives. This includes the Governorates Competitiveness Index and Governorates Tourism Initiatives.

The Governorates Tourism project, with an allocation of RO 15 million, is being undertaken in cooperation with the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism. Minister of Economy Dr. Said Mohammed Al Saqri stated that the project's main goal is to enable the tourist industry to grow Omani governorates' economies, particularly by supporting initiatives that use the comparative advantages of each governorate. Dr. Said Mohammed Al Saqri also added that the initiative helps in developing local communities and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), besides generating new employment opportunities, reported Oman News Agency. 

On the other hand, the Governorates Competitiveness Index is a strategic tool for identifying developing priorities and directing investments. “It provides a set of standards and sub-indices covering various economic and social aspects, infrastructure, education, health and other vital sectors”, said the Minister of Economy. The main objective of the index is to promote opportunities for the realization of the goals of Oman Vision 2040. 


Writer - അഖിൽ തോമസ്

Web Journalist, MediaOne

Editor - അഖിൽ തോമസ്

Web Journalist, MediaOne

By - Web Desk


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