'One Million Prompters': Dubai Launches AI Prompt Engineering Training Initiative

Named 'One Million Prompters', this ambitious project, headquartered in Dubai, seeks to equip one million individuals with prompt engineering skills over the course of the next three years

Update: 2024-05-22 09:18 GMT

Sheikh Hamdan, the Crown Prince of Dubai, Chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Dubai Future Foundation (DFF), unveiled a groundbreaking endeavor today: the world's first and largest AI prompt engineering training initiative. Named 'One Million Prompters', this ambitious project, headquartered in Dubai, seeks to equip one million individuals with prompt engineering skills over the course of the next three years.

The Crown Prince emphasized the significance of staying abreast of technological advancements, citing their pivotal role in governmental efficacy and societal progress. "With this global initiative, overseen by DFF, we aim to prepare, develop and empower competencies with the skills needed to harness the potential of AI applications to advance innovation, progress, and economic growth," Sheikh Hamdan stated.

Prompt engineering, a burgeoning field in the era of artificial intelligence, involves crafting precise and effective instructions for AI systems to achieve desired outcomes across various tasks. Sheikh Hamdan underscored the rapid evolution of labor markets, highlighting prompt engineering as one of the most promising skills in today's landscape. "We want to be the most future-ready city and to continue preparing for the AI era by developing expertise and skills that support global technological transformation, placing Dubai at the forefront of innovation," added Sheikh Hamdan.

Aligned with the Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence, 'One Million Prompters' aims to expedite the adoption of AI applications. It stands as the pioneering initiative dedicated to nurturing expertise and competencies in AI-prompt engineering. The initiative will feature a comprehensive program comprising training courses and accredited certifications aimed at validating participants' expertise. Additionally, it will host competitions and serve as a platform for networking and collaboration within the technology ecosystem.

The launch coincided with the culmination of the Global Prompt Engineering Championship, the world's largest AI prompt engineering challenge, where His Highness Sheikh Hamdan honored winners across three categories: Coding, Literature, and Art. The championship, which drew entries from around 100 countries, featured thirty finalists from thirteen nations competing for top honors. The judges included experts from renowned organizations such as Microsoft, Google, and IBM. The event, held at the Museum of the Future, also featured engaging workshops in collaboration with major tech companies, underscoring Dubai's commitment to fostering innovation and technological excellence.


Writer - അഖിൽ തോമസ്

Web Journalist, MediaOne

Editor - അഖിൽ തോമസ്

Web Journalist, MediaOne

By - Web Desk


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