Mediaone TV to Serve as Media Partner at Saudi Media Forum's Third Edition Exhibition in Riyadh

High-profile participants to analyze Western media coverage and Arab media's response to the ongoing conflict.

Update: 2024-02-16 09:35 GMT
Editor : Thameem CP | By : Web Desk

Riyadh: Riyadh is preparing to host the third edition of the highly-anticipated Saudi Media Forum on February 20 and 21, shedding light on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza amidst a prolonged conflict. Mediaone TV, a licensed channel under the Ministry of Media, proudly joins as a media partner at the accompanying exhibition known as FOMEX, organized by the Saudi Broadcasting Authority.

With a dedicated session titled "Gaza in the Media: Between Misrepresentation and Bias," the forum aims to deeply analyze allegations of the Western media's perceived bias towards Israel and the potential inaccuracies in the portrayal of the Gaza conflict.

Esteemed participants including Dr. Saad Al-Ajmi, former Kuwaiti Minister of Information; Ghassan Charbel, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Sharq Al-Awsat; and Ahmed Khattabi, Assistant Secretary General at the Arab League, will engage in this crucial dialogue.

Under the skillful moderation of Hussein Al-Sheikh from Al Arabiya, the session will delve into various aspects, such as the media's role in depicting Gaza events, the Arab media's earnest efforts to refocus on the Palestinian cause, and the firsthand experiences of Arab journalists with the Palestinian issue.

Anticipating the participation of over 2000 attendees from across the globe, the forum is a collaborative effort between the Saudi Broadcasting Authority and the Saudi Journalists Association. At the heart of the event is the "FOMEX" Future of Media Exhibition, the largest media showcase in the Middle East, running from February 19 to 21, with the active involvement of more than 200 entities. Concluding the forum will be an esteemed awards ceremony, celebrating excellence, innovation, and creativity in the field of media.

Mediaone TV is honored to stand as a media partner within such a significant event, affirming its commitment to delivering impactful and insightful coverage to its audience while fostering an environment of critical dialogue and exchange of ideas.


Writer - Thameem CP


Editor - Thameem CP


By - Web Desk


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